Please complete all fields… Order Number First name * Email address * Meditating twice a day, every day, means you will have meditated eight times since completing SAF 33. Record how many times you actually meditated… * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Are you now managing all meditations without the audio? * Yes No How many times have you used only one character in a meditation since SAF 33? * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 How many times have you used two characters in a meditation since SAF 33? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 When do you generally prefer to do your character meditations? * Mornings Evenings No preference How confident do you now feel with introducing characters during your meditation? (1 = No confidence; 5 = very confident) * 3 Do you get strong visual images? (1 = never; 5 = always) * 3 Do you experience any after-images in your mind during the period immediately after meditating? * Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never If you have problems bringing up a strong image, do you introduce the two words? * Yes No Doesn’t apply How easy is it for you to close down the images and return to ordinary meditation, before coming back to everyday consciousness? (1 = difficult; 5 = easy) * 3 Use this box to describe any particular experiences. Especially note any changes you have noticed in your meditation session experience during the last week, while you have been experimenting using more than one character in one session. * How successful are you feeling with this process, introducing more than one character in a meditation session? (1 = unsuccessful; 5 = highly successful) * 3