Continuing my Mystical Wisdom blog series on your Divine Contract, I examine why we forget it when we’re born and how we can recover it, in order to live our Soul’s true mission.
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Clouds of Glory
The poet Wordsworth was a mystic himself, so it is quite likely he had experiences that informed his poetry when he told us how we come “trailing clouds of glory from heaven which is our home…”
Of course, it is likely he had read some Greek philosophy, but he was certainly echoing Plato’s story of the Soul’s journey we can read in Plato’s The Republic. , because Wordsworth has already told us…
Plato has explained how our Soul, after choosing its life and teaming up with our daimon, meets the three Fates and ratifies the contract. Then, he describes how we turn under the throne of Necessity… which is basically saying that we accept the necessary context we have set up for ourselves. After this final move there is no turning back. What happens next is crucial in our Soul’s journey.
Lethe: The River of Forgetfulness
This is the really interesting bit in Plato’s account. Souls proceed through a hot landscape until they arrive at a river called Lethe, which means ‘forgetfulness’. We are told every Soul was obliged to drink a certain measure of the water from the river. A Soul preserved in wisdom knows not to drink too much. The Soul who drinks will forget everything that has happened above the throne of Necessity. One particular Soul had been forbidden to drink and was able to tell us this tale – perhaps Plato is speaking of himself.
This account matches Wordsworth’s line: our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting. But Wordsworth also says we arrive not in entire forgetfulness, and in other verses he tells us how Nature helps him remember the radiance of heaven.
In his book, The Republic, Plato continues by telling us how we need to cross the river of Lethe safely, without forgetting our life purpose:
How do we remember?
I believe there are some positive tools we can use that can jog our Soul memory:
- A birth chart cast by a professional astrologer will allow you to research into your Divine Contract. A birth time, as well as the date and place of birth, are essential for this process.
- Looking back over your life so far and creating a timeline will help you identify the different ‘mansions’ that were calling to you from the beginning.
- Guided journeys can help here, especially if you make a sincere intention to reconnect with your daimon or guiding Angel.
- Meditation. A meditation technique that easily and reliably takes you right down to the Divine Source will make it much easier to recall your Divine Contract – you are very likely to encounter your daimon in the process.
Unfolding stages
In my Gateway Grade course, Grounding your Life Purpose, I explain how four specific creative stages enable us to bring our transcendental Soul energy into the world and manifest our purpose.
The Four Worlds map describes the metaphysical process of moving from the invisible to the visible, from the intangible to the tangible. In the next blog I’ll explain more about the Four Worlds, and how you can use it to map your personal Soul journey.
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To discover more about your own personal Divine Contract and how you can enable your Soul to best fulfill its requirements, you could explore my course, Grounding Your Life Purpose, either as Self-Study or with personal supervision from me. There are currently Special Offers on both versions of the course.