In this blog, I take a look at the ‘Joy of Venus’ – relaxed pleasure in the overflowing abundance the Universe supplies. Let’s luxuriate in our inner Sunshine for a while!
Watch the video for further discussion on this.
In astrology, the fifth ‘house’ – called by the ancients the fifth ‘place’ – was described as the place of ‘Good Fortune’ and the ‘Joy of Venus’. It’s interesting to note that Venus in the sky makes a five-fold pattern as she dances through her cycle. The apple is associated with Venus and, if you cut an apple at right angles to the core, you will see the same five-fold pattern.
Keywords for the fifth house include children, pleasure and sex. I have noticed that most astrologers don’t usually include ‘money’… that topic is normally associated with the second and eighth houses: the second house signifies your personal resources; the eighth is the house of other people’s stuff, possibly your partner’s money, bank loans, or business associates investments. But I say let’s add ‘money’ to the fifth house list, because money is often a route to pleasure. Also, I associate Venus, who is joyful in the fifth, with Archangel Raphael (if you remember from my Archangel series, Raphael brings healing by solving several family problems, including money issues).
The Botticelli painting of Venus rising from the waves in a seashell (used as my video thumbnail above) depicts a sweet, young woman who is quite naked – and very relaxed.
In my favourite tarot pack (The Alchemical Tarot by Robert M. Place and Rosemary Guilley) the Empress is a naked lady wearing a crown, leaning against a tree, a naked child nearby, and another tree laden with apples in the background.
In the same deck, the Queen of Coins (Pentacles) is a similarly naked lady, carrying a large coin and holding a cornucopia of fruit. She seems to own the fairy-tale castle in the background. Venus appears to be very joyful in both these settings.
All these images show us that we humans have an archetypal desire for pleasure, to be relaxed and joyful. There is a feeling of innocence, as if these exquisite creatures were still living in the Garden of Eden. What gets in our way? Anxiety? Guilt? These are old stories that keep telling us we don’t have the right to relax – we need to be on our guard, we need to protect ourselves from hidden enemies. These ladies should get dressed, laced up and protected, in case a predatory male is on the loose!
In the Four of Coins from the same deck, a man is hiding his coins from the world. The coins represent his wealth – not just real cash, but talents. Remember Jesus’ parable of the talents? In those days, a talent was a coin, while nowadays we use the same word for a natural gift. Perhaps a creative gift, like a musical or artistic talent. Maybe a scientific or mathematical ability.
Robert’s image for the Four of Coins echoes the famous injunction to avoid hiding our light under a bushel. In recent years, a saying has been circulating that tells us we are not really afraid of the darkness, but of our own spiritual light. (Marianne Williamson).
The Sun is the greatest source of light for humanity – the ‘Greater Luminary’ in astrology. In archetypal angelology, the Sun’s intelligence is Michael, whose name means ‘like unto God’. Our natural gifts and talents represent our wealth potential. By ‘wealth’ we don’t necessarily mean becoming a millionaire, billionaire or trillionaire. We mean having the comfort, ease and confidence that everything we desire will flourish and grow according to our intentions. We can be totally relaxed as our life’s purpose unfolds. No anxieties concerning resources. We will feel comforted and comfortable, because the Sun will shine through us and lighten our days.
In this tarot image, the Sun illuminates a couple, rising together, quite naked, under a magnificent crown. Here we see that spiritual radiance will always manage to incorporate the yin and the yang. If you check out the Tree of Life, you will find the sefira associated with the Sun (and with Michael), holds the balance at the central pivot point on the pillar of equilibrium, between the yin and yang pillars. Michael is often depicted carrying a pairs of scales. (Watch my set of Angel videos and read the short blog series if you would like to find out more about the Archangels of the Tree of Life, and Michael’s key role).
But we might consider what goes on for us when we cannot see sunshine in our lives?
This figure represents spiritual wisdom – not necessarily conventional religion, although in old tarot packs he was called The Pope. His chair is a representation of the two pillars – the Moon for yin, the Sun for yang. The Hierophant does not identify with either of these luminaries. He sits between them, allowing both light and darkness in his life. We are being shown a magical book, covered with mystical diagrams. This represents the inner knowledge that doesn’t depend on the light of the external Sun. Don’t forget, the Sun is the light source for all the other celestial bodies in the solar system, including the Moon.
In a tarot pack, the Hermit represents the seeker after inner truth. He walks in darkness, but he carries a lamp signifying the light of wisdom. In The Angels Script, there is a character – Zade – also called the Hermit.
This character carries a rectangular box – it might be a book of wisdom, it could also be a gift, or a treasure of some kind.
In the sequence of Shefa Method characters, you will find Vau – Inner Wisdom, A single line of light topped by a single orb. This character represents the state of innocent, centred, confidence that can carry you through life. Abundance and joy will naturally follow! Remember the proverb:
Happy is the person who finds wisdom…
for the merchandise of it is better than silver and the gain thereof than fine gold.
She is more precious than rubies, and all things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
Length of days is in her right hand and in her left hand riches and honour.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace. (Proverbs 3:13-17)
Go to your inner treasure house every day and claim your birthright. Explore how to use Shefa characters to enhance your personal agency in the world. Then you will find joy, creating a life that you love, bringing abundance to people in your personal life, spreading delight wherever you go.
During May 2021, The Shefa Method Self-Study version is complete FREE. The Supervised version is greatly reduced. Click here to enrol.
You can learn how to work with the great Archangels of the Tree of Life by enrolling on my new course, Accessing Angelic Realms, either as Self-Study or with personal supervision from me. During May, if you take up the FREE Shefa Method offer, you also receive a 50% Discount Voucher valid against Accessing Angelic Realms if you purchase during May 2021.
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