Now I’ve given you some background content concerning the Archangels, here I suggest an exercise you might like to do that’s designed to help you consider your life-path. Alongside these Mystical Wisdom blogs, I have also been talking about the Archangels in a Signs &Wonders series. If you decide to do this exercise, wait a few days until all the eight Archangel videos have been published. Find them here.
Watch the video for further discussion on this theme.
There is an old saying that tells us to treat strangers kindly, because we may be hosting Angels and not be aware of the real nature of our guests. This 15th-century painting shows Tobias, a young man who needed to go on a long journey in order to help his family. He took a guide with him, who announced himself as another Israelite – Azariah, son of Hananiah, a relative of Tobias’s father and therefore trustworthy. The people in this story had no idea Azariah was really the Archangel Raphael. In the picture you can also see Michael (wearing the armour) and Gabriel (holding a lily). Every mystical tradition describes how human beings spend most of their lives in a state of undeveloped awareness… we don’t notice the Angels around us – we are like dreamers, sleep-walking through the years.
Are you sleeping?
In my SoulSchool course, Grounding Your Life Purpose, I introduce a story I wrote to help describe the relationship between your Soul and your everyday personality. In this tale, your Soul is like a Princess living in a grand house; your everyday self is her servant, a Gatekeeper living in the lodge at the edge of the estate. But this Princess is not sleeping, like the character in the Briar Rose fairy-tale. Your Soul never sleeps. If anyone is asleep, it is your everyday self, who has forgotten to keep counsel with your own Soul!
In the Briar Rose fairy-tale, the Prince hopes to wake the Princess so a marriage can take place. We could think of the Prince as a guiding spirit or Guardian Angel, whose task it will be to keep shaking you until you eventually get the message… Wakey-wakey! Rise and shine! The Archangels on the Tree of Life can only be useful allies if you have developed a real sense of purpose and creative intention. If you are ‘on message’ to achieve the particular mission that only you can fulfil, then the Archangels will open their Gates of Light and you will be flooded with the energetic qualities you require to create your unique story. You, as author and director of your personal ‘Book of Life’, need to muster all the resources you have available and, believe me, the Archangels are a powerful bunch!
Wake up, rise and shine!
Here is a powerful exercise that can help you get a perspective on the way ahead at this time in your life.
I’m going to suggest you meditate with the eight Archangels in the Holy Place, or ‘nave’ of your psycho-spiritual ‘temple’. It will be helpful for you to watch my Signs and Wonders Archangel videos that I’ve been offering in tandem with these Archangel blogs – find them here. You might also find it useful to get a copy of my book, Working with Archangels.
If you have my Angels Script deck, you can use the Archangel cards to help get into a space where you feel a connection with the individual Archangel qualities. Alternatively, search the internet for images you can print out and write their names on the front so you can easily identify them.
Lay the pictures of the Archangels out on a cloth in this arrangement, which represents the lower (personal) section of the Tree of Life:
In the centre, where Michael sits, add something small that represents you. This might be a photograph – a childhood picture would be best. If you don’t have a suitable picture, a small crystal or a tea-light would work well.
Step One: At the foot of the Tree of Life you have an opportunity for self-examination and consideration. Ask yourself: Why are you here? What are you here to accomplish during your present incarnation? Take plenty of time with this process. Consult anyone who might help – an astrologer could be helpful. Read cards, such as The Angels Script or the Tarot. Examine your time-line – some things that were significant very early in life will provide clues to the answers you need.
Now meditate, focussing on the two Archangels Sandalphon and Auriel, who will be your reliable and loving life companions for your time on planet Earth. That time can be as short or as long as it needs to be in order to complete your mission.
Step Two: Meditate with Gabriel, the first Archangel as you travel up the Tree of Life’ central pillar. Gabriel’s energy initiates new visions and an understanding of what will come if you follow your path. Gabriel stands at the crossroads, inviting you to choose your way ahead. Once you have made a commitment, you can rely on Divine support, even when the going feels tough. Gabriel will be your ally when you go out into the world and need to communicate and interact with other people.
Step Three: Travel further up the central pillar to meet Michael. He is the spiritual Sun that resides in your heart and represents your Sovereign Self that must learn to shine in the world. Michael’s energy gives you confidence, courage and vision.
The next four Archangels are arranged around Michael, and each one acts as a lieutenant for him – an additional source of competence that can be called on to assist in your life-process.
Step Four: Meditate with Raphael and Hanael. Their complementary energies help you discover when to press forward and when to rest. The high voltage power of Hanael will provide the constant drive needed to sustain you – living a fulfilled life requires full-on energy. The soft, receptive, healing energy of Raphael will provide comfort and a space for recuperation when you know a job has been well done. If you need to relax and re-group before the next push forward, then Raphael will provide a welcome respite. You will be nourished and refreshed.
Step Five: Meditate with Zadkiel and Samael. Zadkiel’s priestly wisdom will encourage you with the promise of abundance and joy. You will feel confident your life’s mission can be accomplished. Meanwhile, Samael’s discipline and limitation will help you say ‘no’ to anything that is not essential to your purpose. As with Raphael and Hanael, these two Archangels represent complementary qualities, both of which provide traction for progress.
Keep a record in your Journal of your feelings and any particular responses that arise while you work with these Archangels. Are there any that especially call to you? Are there any who challenge you?
In the last of this series I will give you some more suggestions for bringing the archetypal qualities represented by the Archangels into your daily awareness. As always, I suggest a twice-daily meditation practice will open portals into your inner kingdom. If you haven’t already found a technique that easily and reliably takes you to a place of deep stillness, consider learning The Shefa Method.
My SoulSchool Gateway course, Accessing Angelic Realms, has been designed to help you explore Angelic opportunities for yourself. Check out the course here. I will be delighted to support your spiritual journey as you discover the potential of the Archangels in your own heavenly kingdom.
You can learn how to work with the great Archangels of the Tree of Life by enrolling on my new course, Accessing Angelic Realms, either as Self-Study or with personal supervision from me. There are currently Special Offers on both versions of the course.
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