First in a new series about the Archangels to help you understand the powerful possibilities which can open up when you get to see how these archetypal energy formulas work invisibly in your world.
Watch the video for some more thoughts about Archangels not discussed below!
What exactly is an Archangel?
You may have already come across the idea that an Archangel is a celestial being that is higher up the career ladder than a regular Angel – rather like an Archbishop is further advanced in the management team than a Bishop, who in turn is in charge of the more lowly clerics, the priests. There is an ancient idea that some celestial entities can be closer to our earthly environment and others will be far beyond human understanding. In the Catholic church there are also cardinals – and, of course, a Pope, who is not only top of the priestly pyramid but is understood to be God’s representative, standing in for Jesus himself. This gives rise to the concept of ‘hierarchies’, but hier isn’t actually the same as ‘higher’. Hier is Greek for ‘sacred’. What we see in the church organisations are levels of sacred responsibility. The further up the management team, the wider the remit and the more potential for making a difference. This is why, when a new Pope arrives, the ‘faithful’ always wonder what significant changes will develop, according to his conservative or liberal inclinations. However, unlike we humans, Archangels don’t have inclinations. They have very specific roles.
For every blade of grass there is an Angel
Generally speaking, we can think of Archangels as managers for the many-layered angelic activities that underpin Creation. If there is an intelligent design unfolding, like a great work of art, then a huge variety of possibilities can arise and, in some mysterious way, something in Creation is constantly engaged in choosing when and how one option gets to be realised.
Within every creative process there are certain basic requirements. If these are fulfilled, the design or plan will develop as a harmonious manifestation. These requirements are archetypal necessities. What we call a ‘room’ usually requires four walls, a ceiling and a doorway. In the same way, what we would call a pleasant world to live in would include a series of basic activities leading to a flow of joyous experiences, events and delightful manifestations. We could say that Archangels, Angels and other invisible creative intelligences are doing Creation – they are ideas that are provoking activities. They are constantly weaving the tapestry of history within the ebb and flow of the time-space continuum – and we are doing exactly the same!
Be not afraid
In many old stories concerning angelic appearances, people report meeting what appears to be a person – usually a man – and who seems to be an everyday kind of guy. It is not until after the event that it dawns on the human that they have just encountered something unusual.
For instance, in the biblical tale, Raphael accompanied Tobit in the guise of a guide for a long journey. Sometimes, as in the story of Abraham, who was visited by three ‘men’, there is more than one visitor. Often, an angelic being appears to eat and drink in the usual human fashion, then insists this was an illusion. So we understand from these events that angelic beings can shape-shift.
However, Archangels also appear in an energy field of brilliant, overwhelming light, with no pretence of being solid. The prophet Daniel describes his amazing vision of Gabriel:
clothed in linen… whose loins were girded with fine gold… his body was like the beryl, his face as the appearance of lightning… his eyes like lamps of fire and his arms and feet like in colour to polished brass…
Daniel 10:5-6*
When this happens, the startled human often hears a voice telling them not be afraid:
… greatly beloved, fear not, peace be unto thee, be strong, yea be strong.
Daniel 10:19*
Perhaps it is wise to be at least a little nervous when you find yourself in the presence of a Divine messenger, as your life is probably about to change! Such a visit might be likened to the arrival of Gandalf at Bilbo Baggins’ door – there will be no turning back when you have been summoned. Resistance is useless.
Guardians of the Gates of Light
There are a series of particularly important creative impulses that contribute towards harmonious outcomes in our world. These impulses, described as Divine qualities, Divine ‘faces’ or Divine ‘hands’, are represented in the famous energy flow map, known as the Tree of Life. This map was developed over many generations of mystics who added their personal experiences to the great literature of Kabbalah. This Jewish mystical wisdom was later adopted and adapted by Christian Cabalists during the Italian Renaissance, and by Golden Dawn Qabalists in early 19th-century Europe. Personally, I have discovered that researching the original Jewish texts (in translation I have to say, since I don’t read Hebrew) provides deep insights into the angelic realms.
The Tree of Life map shows the Divine qualities as a series of containers of light energy called sefirot. The Jewish mystic, Rabbi Joseph Gikitalla, lived in 12th-century Spain. Gikitalla described the sefirot as ‘Gates of Light’ and we can think of the Archangels as ‘guardians’ of these gates. On our inner journeys to discover how to develop the Divine qualities in our own lives, we can ask to meet the Archangel whose activities resonate with these qualities.
Archangels as inner counsellors
The kingdom of Heaven is within you. The Gates of Light with their attendant Archangels are within you. The Archangels can act as your inner counsellors, helping you bring all your personal Divine qualities up to full potential.
For example, the desire or impulse to win, to be victorious, would be Hanael, whose name means ‘glory of God’. Hanael is a personification of that impulse. Having an inner conversation with this Archangel allows you to personify your archetypal desire for success and achievement. You can develop an understanding whereby you can function in your world as an empowered person. You take on being ‘assertive’, but not ‘aggressive’. Your essential need for making your way and getting what you want in life is perfectly okay. Hanael can act as your mentor as you discover how to get your own way gracefully! (For more about Hanael, including a free guided journey, see the SoulSchool Sticky Buds 2021 newsletter).
When you meet these ‘guardians’ during your inner journeys, they may not always present themselves with wings, flowing gowns and human faces. You may experience them as colours, sounds and other vibrational qualities. They may not always ‘say’ anything at the time. But the request for insight and wisdom will, somehow, be answered. Perhaps in a dream, in a noticeable event, or by coming across a book that helps you see a new perspective.
The SoulSchool Gateway course, Accessing Angelic Realms, has been designed to help you explore angelic opportunities for yourself. Check out the course here. I will be delighted to support your spiritual journey, as you discover the potential of the Archangels in your own heavenly kingdom. I have a limited number of places for personal supervision, or you can opt for self-study. As always, I suggest a twice-daily meditation practice will help you open portals into your inner kingdom. If you haven’t already found a technique that easily and reliably takes you to a place of deep stillness, check out The Shefa Method.
*Biblical verses from King James translation.
You can learn how to work with the great Archangels of the Tree of Life by enrolling on my new course, Accessing Angelic Realms, either as Self-Study or with personal supervision from me. There are currently Special Offers on both versions of the course.
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