The SoulSchool Path is a series of ten courses that support your spiritual development and your sense of freedom to be. In the early Grades you can choose from self-study or supervised versions. The more advanced Grades are supervised only.
The Path has been structured to take you from a basic grounding in a meditation practice through a series of Grades that build on each other. You can choose to follow the Seven-Step Programme, or you can try Fundamental or Gateway Grade courses on an ad hoc basis.
The Shefa Method and Shefa Expansion give you a well-grounded meditation technique with a unique methodology for empowering and activating your creative intentions. Available with or without supervision. (There is no pre-requisite for learning The Shefa Method, but you must complete The Shefa Method before you begin Shefa Expansion. They can be bought as a package, which saves you money).
Grounding Your Life Purpose takes you on a journey to identify your Soul’s true desire for your present life. Accessing Angelic Realms will give you the confidence you need when seeking higher wisdom. Creating Abundance provides a systematic methodology for creating the necessary resources for fulfilling your life purpose. Available with or without supervision. (There are no pre-requisites for any of these courses).
Your Crowning Glory is a transformative process for accelerating your spiritual development. Your Shining Ancestors introduces you to twelve Nephalim, benevolent guides who will support you in grounding your Soul’s purpose. Supervision is included – self-study not available. (The five Fundamental and Gateway courses must be taken first, and Certificates are required at least for Shefa Method, Shefa Expansion and Accessing Angelic Realms).
Shefa Protocols is an initiatory experience that establishes a basic vibrational pattern for personal spiritual development. Shefa Healer is a 3-month programme. SoulSchool Teacher is a 6-month programme. All the Mastery Grade courses require attendance at residential workshops. (Students need to have completed all previous Grades. Shefa Protocols is required for Shefa Healer, which in turn is required for Shefa Teacher).