The astrology of the current Full Moon in Aries, together with the corresponding Archangel, the Angels Script character I drew for this Moon, and its equivalent Shefa character.
Going beyond the personal
So far in this series I’ve been talking about the Archangels who work with you at a personal level. But what about the transpersonal? Which Archangels do you deal with when you go beyond the personal? Find out about my new Archangels Zoom class starting TODAY here.
The gifts you were born with
We were all born with a series of gifts and there’s an Archangel for each one. Here’s a quick run-down. Find out about my new Archangels Zoom class starting FOUR DAY’S TIME here.
What’s the point of understanding the Archangels?
I’ve been teaching about the Archangels for well over twenty years now – so why do I think they’re so important for us to understand? Find out about my new Archangels Zoom class starting 19 October here.
The importance of discipline
Nobody likes the idea of discipline, but it’s essential for anything to get done. Watch this video to learn about which Archangel is in charge of discipline. Find out about my new Archangels Zoom class starting 19 October here.
What colours are the Archangels?
Everyone has an opinion, but who is right – and why? Find out about my new Archangels Zoom class starting 19 October here.